Registration Notice | 注册说明

  • 本站无须注册也能在开放讨论的主题下面进行交流。
  • 注册后作为订阅者,可以用注册邮箱收到更新通知。
  • 我们不接受广告账户或其他虚假身份的注册。
  • 对于注册一周后一未曾进行以上操作的ID,会进行删除,不另行通知。
  • 删除帐号不能恢复,不接受事后申诉。
  • 对于反复注册的广告账户,其IP可能会被拉黑名单。
  • 若有任何意见和建议,请联系本站管理员。

  • 2023年3月,本站出现大量不明来源的疑似垃圾注册,其源头和处理正在进行中。注册功能暂时关闭A large number of suspected spam registrations from unknown sources have recently appeared on this site and their source and processing is ongoing. The registration function is temporarily closed.

  • This site allows you to communicate under open discussion topics without registering.
  • After registering as a subscriber, you will receive notifications of updates to your registered email address.
  • We do not accept advertising accounts or other false identities for registration.
  • Subscribers are asked to prove their “human” status by leaving non-spammy comments in any thread after registration, or by changing their “display name” in the background. We may use other methods of email verification (e.g. asking for a password reset).
  • IDs that have not done so after one week of registration will be deleted without notice.
  • Deleted accounts cannot be reinstated and no post facto appeals will be accepted.
  • For repeated registration of advertising accounts, their IPs may be blacklisted.
  • If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the site administrator.

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